How to help dinosaurs rule the evolutionary transition of the time?

How to help dinosaurs rule the evolutionary transition of the time?

A dinosaur is a “terrible lizard.” This ancient reptile, with scales covering its body, moved slowly and stretched its limbs as it walked throughout the tropical swamp using its tail. The collective mind of humans is firmly etched with this concept.

However, the variety of dinosaur physiology is now well understood by scientists. Like birds, many dinosaurs flaunt their colorful plumage. Dinosaurs inhabit a wide range of environments, including the North Pole, where they would experience snowy winters without light.

One of the main mysteries in paleontology, which has been the subject of fresh study this week, is whether dinosaur blood was hot or cold.

Myth about dinosaurs

Dinosaurs spent their whole lives in frigid regions like the Arctic, according to fossil evidence.

It is hard to uncover evidence that leaves room for dispute about the metabolism of dinosaurs. There are indications from fossilized eggshells and bone that certain dinosaurs were warm-blooded creatures and others were not.

Answers are valuable because they provide light on dinosaur behavior. Mammals and birds, which have warm blood, are more active than those with cold blood.

The three main dinosaur groups adapted differently, according to a recent research based on 1,000 dinosaur fossils and paleoclimatic data; two of these populations gained the capacity to control body temperature about 180 million years ago in the early Jurassic period.

Research has shown that early Jurassic herbivorous butcher dinosaurs like Triceratops and stegosaurus and carnivorous theropod dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex thrived in cooler climes, suggesting that they may have adapted to regulate their body temperature.

A long time ago, sediment analysis and satellite radar imaging allowed researchers to trace the 40-mile-long extinct portion of the Nile.

Around thirty-one pyramids, including the now-demolished Great Pyramid of Giza, were constructed by the ancient Egyptians along the river arm. Stones and other construction supplies could have been transported by the builders.

——Aerial pictures are unable to reveal this find since it is buried deep under fields. If farms and desert sands cover the riverbank, it might aid archaeologists in discovering more Egyptian temples and antiquities.


The excitatory neurons’ color depth from the brain’s surface is seen in the above three-dimensional picture. The deepest neurons are purple-red, while the closest to the surface are blue neurons.

Thanks to collaboration between Google and Harvard University researchers, a 3D model of a cubic millimeter of brain tissue—smaller than a grain of rice—can now achieve astounding details and beauty. This is another mapping achievement.

The material was thinly sliced into pieces that were barely one thousandth the thickness of a human hair by the study team, which was directed by Harvard University professor of molecular and cell biology Dr. Jeff Lichtman. Despite their tiny size, the shards include 150 million synapses, 230 mm of blood arteries, and 57,000 cells.

Although the pieces are easier to see in these color representations, these are the actual organizational expressions.

Ultimately, the team expects that this kind of brain observation may aid in the understanding of unsolved medical issues like autism.

Changes in climate

A tree’s life history may be traced back hundreds or even thousands of years by the pattern of its rings, which is influenced by temperature, rainfall, and sunshine.

Scientists were able to recreate the yearly summer temperature in the northern hemisphere from 1 to 1849 and compare it with the temperature of the previous summer using tree wheel data from nine regions of the northern hemisphere, including North America and Scandinavia.

This analysis indicates that the summer of 2023 will be the hottest in the previous two millennia.

During that period, when the Roman Empire governed Europe and the Mayan civilization ruled Central America, the temperature was at least 0.5 degrees Celsius higher than the warmest year of the study period.

mystical animals

Sperm whale communication is much more complex than previously believed, the researchers discovered.

Artificial intelligence was used by marine biologists to decipher the intricate sperm whale sounds.

The researchers compared the whale’s pattern of clicking noises to a “phonetic alphabet” akin to that of sperm whales.

The sperm whale clicks by pushing air through a structure on its head known as a whale whisker. This organ can produce sounds as high as 230 decibels, which is louder than a rocket launch and can penetrate the human eardrum.

Although the meaning of the “click” sound made by sperm whales is still unknown to humans, it is crucial to comprehend the range of sounds they use to communicate in order to associate their calls with certain actions.

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